Not so new beginnings

So t'is the season to start something new, anything new, it is the beginning of the year after all. Some have business plans in the works, others exploring different investment fields and some furthering their education. Whether you call it goals, plans, or resolutions, we all have things we're pursuing and working towards this year. But for some of us, it's a little bit more trickier than that.

Some of us can relate with Peter and his crew pretty well when we meet them in Luke 5. When Jesus gets to them, he finds them washing their nets, which in fishermen's language is: we're done here. But in most cases the nets would be washed because they were actually used effectively, they caught fish. This wasn't the case with this group.

"When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets." Luke 5:4-5
First thing that came to Peter's mind when Jesus gave out the instruction was to explain that "we've done that already, all night". People generally don't take well to repeating something that didn't work out well the first time around; especially if that first time around was a long time. They quickly reach a conclusion that there's something wrong with where they are, which is why they are quick to jump ship when the first attempt fails. I can imagine Peter and his gang planning to go fishing in the Jordan next while washing those nets.

But Jesus sends them back to the same waters with a strategy that's not even so complex. Peter had his excuses, reasonable ones too, they were experienced fishermen. But excuses wouldn't get him anywhere, no matter where he went, he'd still be stuck. Thank goodness he was smart enough to know who was speaking to him. It wasn't because anything had changed, not because he felt any better, but simply because of the authority of the one who gave the instruction, Peter made his move.

That's some of us. What we're doing isn't entirely something new, we've been here before, but we're here doing it again because we trust the One who spoke. The One who whispered 'try again' while we sat and cried over spilt milk. The One who helped us forgive ourselves for being foolish, wasting away resources we could never recover. He believed we could do it when we no longer believed in ourselves, that's why we're here again. And we are hopeful that this time will be different because we are doing it differently, we are doing it at His Word therefore a catch is guaranteed.

So if you're sitting this one out, not even willing to give it another try this year, I challenge you to join the rest of us who know what it's like to be where you are. I invite you through the words of a hymn I learnt from my older sister:
"Come on and walk on the water with me. For you will not fail, no you will not fail."


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