
Showing posts from May, 2016

Keeping It

In my house, once everyone is above the age of ten, I’m going to have signs in every room saying: “If you can’t clean it, don’t use it” (the ones in the bathrooms and kitchen will be written in capital letters). I hate unnecessary cleaning. There’s such? Yep. There is necessary and unnecessary cleaning in this sad life of occupying (people’s) houses. Unnecessary cleaning is when one has to clean the mess left behind by another who had the capability to clean it in the first place. I’m of the view that if you’re able to use something, be it the stove, the sofa, or the toilet, you should be able to keep it clean. It’s really that simple. Once everyone pulls their weight with such, we’re left to negotiate about the washing of windows and scrubbing of mats (necessary cleaning). I’m working on a power point presentation to present to the people I live with to explain this theory because they really don’t get it. I was wiping the stove this morning when I thought about just how tric...

Show Up

Sometimes the best way you can beat the enemy is just by showing up, regardless of how you're feeling. I was reminded of that this morning. I've never ever been this restless before preaching at a school assembly. Sure I'm nervous almost every time, but never anxious to the point of thinking to cancel. Never losing sleep over it. And I only realized why when I was sitting and praying in my car minutes before taking stage. Over the past few weeks, I've been talking with the kids from the school about decision-making. We've been looking at how decisions are a reflection of my sight, the way I view myself (identity) and where I see myself (in the future). We had much fun, especially with that second part, it was well-received by both learners and teachers. The main objective of doing assemblies is obviously soul-winning but I wanted to lay a good foundation of understanding why it is they needed Christ, so I had said to myself I'd do the altar call at a later s...

Jars of Clay

It's past two AM and I'm up (and sober) sipping on honeyed tea cause of his sore throat/hoarse voice that's making me sound like a ninety-year old smoker. I'm officially on bed rest, doctors orders, unofficially catching up on reading, writing and assignments every time I can manage to hold a book or pen up before the meds knock me out. Been quite busy these past few weeks. I'm still shocked by how busy pastors can be, and to think that I'm only a junior! But above all the mid-week services, the all night services, the late night meetings, the weekends away from home, I still love my job. I love everytime I step off the podium having poured out everything God had poured in with all the strength and heart I had in me. And so I really missed work tonight. So pastors go to doctors too? Yep. They miss work cause they sick? Yep. Pastors are human too, they're jars of clay carrying God's treasure just as Paul said. What I love most about that Scripture is ...