Our gym group class had a challenge for the past six weeks. Today we were weighing in, seeing how much weight we’ve (they’ve) lost (I gained – blame it on the weather; vetkoeks and stews wayawaya ). We were also measuring muscles around the body, not much change there for me either. But I have a thigh gap, so yay! While discussing with my trainer, we agreed that focus, or lack thereof, was the reason behind such results. She resolved that with our next eight-week challenge, she’d do more to keep us focused, or as she put it, to keep our eyes on the prize. This got me thinking about a Scripture I taught earlier this week which addresses the issue of focus. Now I’m one person who easily loses focus. Not in an attention disorder kind of way, but I easily panic when things take an unexpected turn and therefore easily get distracted. Like Peter who moved his focus from Jesus to the waves and began sinking, I find myself sinking a lot when I’m fixated with what’s going wrong instead o...