All aboard...?
For as long as I’ve read the book of Jonah, my focus was on Jonah (the book is titled after him after all). I would love to say I was studying the book when I discovered some of the things I’m about to share, but ministry and adulting just isn’t that glamorous. I was doing what I call a ‘rush job’ (where I desperately plead with God to speak to me minutes before leaving for service because I was held up by other ministerial duties throughout the day) when God pulled my attention to the sailors in the story. For the first time I realized how they suffered as a result of someone else’s bad decisions, all because they allowed him to board their ship. Pondering upon this, I concluded that some of the tough consequences we have to put up with aren’t even a result of our decisions, but a result of being connected to people who make poor decisions. This calls for us to really make an effort into evaluating who we allow to enter our lives. These men knew very little about Jonah. All they ...