In Good Company
I usually write a poem dedicated to women each year during woman's day (you can view the poems here , here , here , here , here and here ). The inspiration is usually our annual women's conference. The words usually come to me as I sit and listen to the various speakers throughout the conference. This year there was no conference so there was no poem. But that's not the only reason there was no poem. This women's month has been a difficult one for me to celebrate, not only because I live in a country where being a woman is literally being an endangered specie, but because almost everything I thought I had managed as a woman just seemed to unravel over these past few months. I came face-to-face with my many short-comings in this time spent under lockdown. I have a fear of being criticised which makes me easily hurt and unecessarily defensive so you can imagine how this complicates my relationships. I realized how far this weakness was ruining things when I had a bre...