On my way to 'there'

Heard a pastor say ‘if you’re somewhere and you don’t know how you got there, you’re lost’. He explained his statement saying that God directs (the steps of the righteous), and if you got there by luck and not by direction, it wasn’t God. I liked this statement, made me think of the workings of faith. Just the other day we were doing an autopsy on the faith of those who’ve gone before us (Hebrews 11).

We have so many nice but unbiblical beliefs and statements in the church these days, all cause we’re too lazy to read our Bibles. Of course God will blow your mind by taking you to places you only dreamed of, but trust me, you’ll know how you got there, even if He did it overnight like He did for the Israelites. As much as they were in awe of how they came out of Egypt in one night after forty years of slavery, they knew how it happened. They knew about Moses’ talks with Pharaoh, about the plagues, about that Passover meal they had last before the left. They had directions. And when they got to Canaan, they knew very well how they got there, they knew the way of the dessert and all its pains. And those were the directions they passed on from generation to generation. Cause you might be awe-struck and amazed when you get to your destiny, but you will and must know how you got there. God doesn’t do magic, He works with faith, and that’s just how faith works.

"Everything is possible for him who believes." Mark 9:23

My pastor explained faith as a sample, a foretaste, the first fruit of all that God has stored up for me, hence the Bible says “the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for, the EVIDENCE of things not seen.” He then went on to say that the course of faith, considering Romans 10, is hearing, believing, confessing, then walking in accordance with that confession. That is how I get to the things I believe God for, those are the directions. I will not stumble upon God’s promises for my life, I’ve got to believe and not in my own nice comfortable and acceptable way, but believe the way God says to believe.

I love Romans 10:17 when it teaches us that faith comes from hearing and hearing His Word. Got me realizing I was believing God for a whole lot of things He wasn’t going to do cause they were just in my head and not stemming from His Word. Also had me realizing why the Church of today is so faithless and weak, nobody is hearing God’s Word anymore; aint nobody got time for that. We’re too busy chasing after prophesy, water, miracles and people instead; we’re running after those ‘fire sessions and preachings’ that get me all excited but when I get home I have no clue what God said. We’re no longer confessing our faith these days, we’re too sophisticated and civilized, that’s stuff is for those radical out-dated Christians. And when we do confess it, in Church cause the pastor pretty much forced us to, we’re not gonna bother living lives that are aligned with that confession.

I’m not trying to be rude or anything, I’m just trying to show you that you aren’t doing God or yourself any justice when you say He just isn’t doing the things you’ve believed him for. How are you believing him? From where did you get these things that you’re believing Him for? Does your lifestyle reflect that you’re believing God for those things? Have you confessed any of those things? Ayi bazalwane, let us get back to basics, let us read the Word; nothing can replace the foundations laid for faith by Christ and the Apostles, no matter how appealing.

“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” Acts 2:42


  1. Interesting and well argued (valid points). It reminds me of the song, 'Se s'fikile, a siyazi kanjani' - I hope you were not too young to remember it...lols.


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