About yesterday

Speaking about the past is usually spoken against in order for more focus to be put on the present and the future. But I think we all know that the past is quite important, it has a direct impact on the present which has a direct influence on the future. I was sharing with the church the other day how God made it a point to remind the Israelites of their past. He set up feasts and occasions to be held and celebrated among them in order to commemorate specific events, such as their Exodus from Egypt. He did this knowing the mind’s weakness; its ability to forget the good of yesterday yet quite good at holding on to the bad. He knew He was going to bless them so much that they would forget the bitterness of their past and that could put them at risk of abusing the sweetness of their today.

On that note, I want to tell you about the wonderful day I had yesterday. Two events which significantly moved my heart, and I’ll forever treasure them. Yesterday I had the opportunity of fellowshipping with my ‘college church’, my home away from home as I referred to it while studying. My heart was so overwhelmed with joy to have been amongst the brethren’s midst. I was once again amazed at what God did when He made the Body of Christ, the unity and bond that He created between us through His Holy Spirit. I don’t remember ever crying cause I got to a relative’s house, goodness I barely even long to visit them. But yesterday, as I stood at the back of that school hall, filled with the warmth of prayer against the cold winter morning on the other side of the walls, my eyes just watered. For a long time I had felt like Paul who longed to visit the Romans and who continued to remember them in his prayers, and yesterday I was filled with that joy he wrote about in 2 Timothy 1:4 “…I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy.”
It was an amazing thing to be re-united with my church family from that side, for the mutual impartation and for my family to meet the people who helped keep my fire burning while I was away from them. God be with them till we meet again.

Then I got to go crazy and act like a teenage girl witnessing a ministry I’ve been following for a while and which has made a huge impact in my faith. I got to see Janette…ikz and Ezekial Azonwu of P4CM. And if you don’t know who they are or what that is, you haven’t lived shame. I generally try to be composed and act like the adult I am at all times, but yesterday I was a complete groupie (hides). I still can’t really describe the experience, except to simply tell you that it was amazing. And absolutely every part of it was a highlight: Reading a poem of mine during the ‘spoken’ word open mic session (something I would NEVER do); listening to the great Penseed poets (including Given Illustrative Masilela who’s my neighbour from back in the day); finally hearing Lilly Million perform live (her music is beautifully original and her voice so unique); screaming my lungs out in a victory shout led by Ezekial just to piss the devil off; joining Janette in reciting one of my favourite poems  “I will wait” (she couldn’t stop laughing cause we all knew the poem so well) and taking a picture with her (where she touched the side of my face with her face which I really thought about never washing again while driving back).
I had the time of my life surrounded by people with the rawest passion for Christ and His work.

I will never forget yesterday, it has inspired me to be the best I can be with what God has given me. To appreciate, support and pray for those who touch my life and others in different ways. And to love God more because He has loved me so much to send me so many people to care for my soul.


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