
Enough: • pron. As many or as much as sb needs or wants • adv. To a necessary degree; to an acceptable degree; a degree that you do not wish to get any greater  • syn. Sufficient

This was God's thought when he made human beings, they were enough for him, in today's language, they did it for him. He created nothing else after them, He in fact rested out of satisfaction. He said it was very good after they came into the picture compared to the 'good' that the other created things got. When he formed one before the other, He said "it is not good" and when he brought about that goodness, He brought her as one complete being, enough in His eyes and enough for the needs of him who'd receive her (regardless of his ability to perceive it).

God creates complete things. With frailties, yes, iniquities, sure but within them nothing short of what it takes to be just what God intended them to be. My pastor said something extraordinary the other day as he advised kids ministers; he said every child is everything they need to be (and might I add, everything that is needed). Another will argue then that what is the need for teaching if they are complete...? In my understanding teaching is like mining, it is about excavating virtues and qualities that are in the person by their God-given nature (made in the image and likeness of God). It's a given then that this person will have to have a reconciliation with God (following sin's invasion) in order for this excavation to be successful.
(I don't mean to preach, I just don't want you running with frail theories.)

What brought this about was a phrase I thought of as I was having a little pity party: I AM ENOUGH. Smart enough, good enough, sexy enough (yep, I said it), strong enough, tall enough (haha), everything enough. I just need to allow myself to find all of this 'enoughness' in me and not for one second let those around me make me believe that I'm not enough. People complement us, they don't complete us, we are complete within ourselves when we have the perfect God working in us!


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