
Showing posts from September, 2015

Dark Room

I was soaking up every word as my pastor passionately preached on Sunday morning, feeling so alive because the Word is one thing that puts sparks in my eyes; just listening to it being broken down excites me. As I sat listening, this question was impressed in my heart : "Can I trust you to stick it out in the dark room, when the spot light isn't on you?" I didn't make much of it then, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since. Back in the day before digital cameras, we had cameras that captured images on a film. This film would have to be developed into  negatives necessary for printing in a darkroom. Why a dark room? Because the film is light sensitive. How is it developed? By using a series of chemicals. Two things stand out for me, development, taking place in the dark. Once the negatives are obtained, they are placed on an enlarger and printed onto paper, still in the darkroom (now with the presence of a red safe light). So the film steps int...

Dear Mom

I'm near the end of Elizabeth Noble's first novel, The Reading Group and I'm gripped. It was challenge breaking off to write this post. It's the second time I read a  novel she wrote, and this, like the previous one (Things I Want My Daughters To Know), has the relationship between mothers and their children at its core. Much of it made me think of my relationship with my mother. I spend most of my time around my dad, evident in my previous posts and pretty much every time I open my mouth. Dad is the loud one in their wonderfully balanced marriage. Not that mom is quiet, but unlike dad, she'll never force you into conversation, into getting over your sour self and taking a ride to town with him. Dad is the one I have alot in common with; music, theological subjects, adventures etc. I stayed three months with him while mom was away after delivering my first sister born at 27 weeks. At 7, I took my first road trip with him on his 1981 Honda Classic Goldwing 1000CC m...

Don't stop

I used to scrapbook. I made collages using photos from events, celebrating my achievements, like my graduation collage. I also made collages about the future, centered around my dreams for the future, like my "home" collage which has an armateur's plan of the mansion I'd like to live in one day. I remembered my scrapbook today because of a "goals" collage I have in it. I remembered it because I took a step towards one of those goals recently. I then dug it up and went through it, intrigued by the futuristic ones. I was bothered by the fact that I haven't added anything to my  scrapbook in almost three years. This means I'm not dreaming, right? Well not really. I'm that type of person who can't go on to something else having not completed what I was busy with. So I felt it would be dumb to keep adding goals while still having not achieved the already existing ones. But I'm starting to think life works differently. That goal I was talki...

In a bind

On this WCW (that's Woman Crush Wednesday to my older readers), I'm crushing on my friend Gracious. She always brings so much depth every time she hits the pulpit that it's almost impossible to take notes, let alone interpreting for her. So I challenged her to write up a post for me, maybe then I would be able to take up everything in one seating without having to buy a DVD (we're saving in all ways since the Rand is taking a beating). So here we go, hush everything around you and drink from this cistern God has blessed us with (oh and grab a dictionary, I don't know how she accumulated such a rich vocabulary). Enjoy! I was taking a walk the other day as I usually do to clear my mind. I wandered into an internal stocktaking moment of my life. The more I counted, the more I realized that I had come a long way even though I wasn't where I wanted to be. I also realized that I was in a bind, having reached the maximum of this season. Every solution I came up with ...