Wonder Woman - The Wonder of a Woman (A poem)

In amazement and admiration he asks:
‘What is your wonder, oh woman? And where does it is stay?
What makes you so beautiful, so remarkable, so, so rare, so similar yet so unfamiliar.’
She tells him:
‘Look not for it in my figure, you will not find it.
Do not search for it in my fine clothes, it is not there.
Nor is it in my eyes, my hair or my bottom;
No, not in my stride, my smile or my bossom.
Look further, jula.
It dwells not on the surface, but is hidden deep within me;
Like a diamond buried deep within the belly of the earth,
So is my wonder.

You’ll have to spend yourself to get to it; your strength and your time; not your wealth (bhut’ blesser).
And when you reach it, when you’ve broken through the façade of ‘I’m fine,’
and gotten through the whirlwind of emotions,
when you’ve dug through the frailties and insecurities;
There will you find it,
like a pearl shelled and nested at the bed of the ocean,
there will you see my unfading beauty.
There will you learn that its mystery is that it cannot be touched, only felt, only experienced.
There will you also learn that it cannot be taken away from me.
Beat me,
slur me with the poison of your tongue,
violate me,
ungaze ungibulale,
but you will not get to it, it is far beyond your reach.
It’s mine to keep, given to me by my Maker.
Sin marred it, but the cross remade it.
It is yours only to behold and appreciate, but mine to keep and nurture.’
This is a woman’s wonder.

It is greater than her fertility,
beyond her home-making skills.
It is more distinguished than her role and responsibilities,
broader than the size of her waist.
Her wonder is her strength,
wrestling prejudice and stereotypes in order to be recognized as worthy of the inheritance.
Her wonder is her gentleness,
without one word she conquers the mighty, nailing their head to the ground.
Her wonder is her love,
unconditional, it is a weapon in her hands, bringing life to ashes.
Her wonder is her insight,
her knowledge and understanding of deep things hidden from the sight of the eye.
Her wonder is her unshaken trust in God,
hoping against all hope because she considers Him who promised to be faithful.
Her wonder is her resilience,
refusing to be comforted, plunging forth prayerfully and restlessly to take hold of that which she’s called for.
This is the wonder of a woman,
woman of wonder,
wonderful woman,
wonder woman.


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