A Thousand Years
It’s no secret Francine Rivers is my favourite novelist. So it goes without saying that I was pleased to find one of her latest releases added to her part of the shelve at the public library seeing that I had already read through all the other older books. I’m half way through with Bridge To Haven and I’m loving it, I read it every chance I get. It is a lovely story, told beautifully in a way that oozes faith. I read the last chapter this morning. It’s a bad habit of mine, that when I get half way through the book, I read portions of the end (I’m inpatient like that). It’s also why I google the plot of each movie I watch. (I suck, I know.) Anyway, there’s something that has gotten to me so strongly about one of the characters in this book. I’ll try to get my point across without turning this into a spoiler. I’m so taken by how Pastor Zeke finds it so easy to trust God. His answer to everything is prayer, and once he has prayed, he refuses to feel anxious over the matter, and...