Point of No Return

We are more than half way through the year. When considering goals and resolutions set for the year when it began, one is tempted to let go of some when we seeing the time left. Well, I’m here to let you know that you shouldn’t allow passing time to speak you out of your goals or dreams.

We easily talk ourselves out of things and postpone things because we feel pressured by time, finances, unforeseen circumstances, people’s opinions or whatever else choses to challenge us. We slowly move away from what we are passionate about, from what we’ve always dreamt of doing, just because we’ve allowed ourselves to be talked out of it. But I’m learning that as God’s child, apologising and retreating from what my faith has lead me to is not an option. Not only because I’m capable beyond my comprehension, but because it doesn’t please God.

“But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him. But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.” Hebrews 10:38-39
God is not please when we shrink back, when we retreat because the battle proved to be harder than what we expected. The New Living Translation of the Bible speaks of turning away in these verses, which is synonymous with deserting or giving up on. God is not pleased by us withdrawing from pursuing life by faith because He is not glorified when we give up, His strength which is made perfect in weakness is robbed the opportunity to show itself. The limitless things we can do through Christ who strengthens us is undermined.

The term ‘shrinking back’ implies fear and intimidation. This is true to why we abort missions. Remember the twelve Moses sent to explore Canaan in Numbers 13? The majority of them came back intimidated, claiming they seemed liked locusts before the giants of Canaan. They caused the rest of the Israelites to fear the land God had promised them and so they stopped pursuing and desiring to have what was rightfully theirs. Fear is a thief that can talk you out of pursuing the life God has called you to live and will rob you of the joy and fulfilment that comes with accomplishing your goals.

Fear is foe to faith, and only one can lead our lives. It’s either I’m a slave to fear, or I’m living by faith. It’s therefore important to allow and trust God to deal with fear in our lives. God made sure to deal with Gideon’s fear before he went out on his mission. I love how it happened.
“During that night the Lord said to Gideon, ‘Get up, go down against the camp, because I am going to give it into your hands. If you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah and listen to what they are saying. Afterward, you will be encouraged to attack the camp.” Judges 7:9-11
God didn’t make Gideon feel some kind of way about being afraid, instead he came out as understanding him and making a way for him to deal with it. The lesson is that we can’t take fear with us, it must be dealt with and left behind otherwise it will slowly draw us back home in retreat.

When you travel with God, the point of departure also signifies the point of no return because God doesn’t change his mind about the destiny no matter what may come along the way. So let us embrace who we are, the kind that never retreats, and tenaciously pursue what we’ve set our hearts and minds on in faith.

”Remember Lot’s wife!” Luke 17:32


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