I can have the worst episodes of crying spells (blame it on the hormones *rolls eyes*). In an effort to help myself quickly snap out of them, I try (emphasis on try) to reason with myself. I force myself to respond to the question of why it is I’m crying. You know, the whole get it at the root theory. In most cases I cry because I feel a certain way. Then we take the interrogation further by delving into why I feel that particular way. Being accountable for your feelings is not a nice exercise because the answers are never pretty. They usually point to selfishness or a bruised ego, an obsession with having things go my way or just plain pettiness (yes, I occasionally cry just because I saw the cutest baby romper *hides*). The most ‘reasonable’ answers are usually rooted in things I can’t control. One thing I’ve discovered about myself in this getting older business is that one of my greatest weakness is accepting that certain things are beyond my control (next to talking more than...