Not Less (A poem)

I am not less than you,
not less capable,
not less entitled,
not less human,
definately not less worthy.
I am as His image with you as I am without you;
I fully reflect Him in all my feminity.
I am complete in myself,
I do not need you to complete me,
only to compliment me to fulfil my call of helper and mother.
He said ‘it is very good’ because of us both,
remember that.
The blessing was spoken over the both of us:
it is for you to increase and subdue as it is for me,
do not forget that.

I will not be made to feel less,
not by you,
not even by myself.
I will not let society convince me that my differences are my weakness,
I refuse to be made to believe that I am only strong when I am like you.
I will not.
I will choose to believe that my many tears are my strength,
that my curves are my beauty and not a flaw.
I will rather believe that my hands are softer because they nurture life,
that my build is only weakened because of the strength it took to usher a life from heaven to earth.
I will believe that my voice is the most powerful whisper because it shakes ground and breaks shackles when I softly call upon Him.
I will only see myself the way He sees me: lovely, worthy, fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am not less, not in His Book.

The only less I am is relentless, unceasingly pushing through all boundaries to fulfil my God-given purpose.
The only less I am is fearless,
willing to face the uncertainties of tomorrow in pursuit of who I truly am.
The only less I am is restless,
refusing to find peace in my bondage, unwilling to settle in my chains, wrestling the yoke I’ve been made to wear.
The only less I am is flawless,
in my Maker’s eyes I am perfect,
faults and short-comings, nonetheless.

Then I am less,
less that He be shown to be more.
Only then am I powerless,
that His power be perfected in my weakness.
Only then am I defenceless,
that He be my shield in battle.
Then I am blameless, spotless, because my life is hidden in him.
Only then am I less.

But other than that,
I’m all that and more, brother.
Don’t be fooled, the liar wants you so much to believe the lie that I am less;
So he can steal your joy, kill your vision, and destroy the beautiful life we're meant to sharetogether.
Do not believe the lie.
I am not less!


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