The last mile

It's me.
I've been wondering if after all this time you'd like me to write you.
Lol, hi guys. It's been a while huh. I've been tied up with work, among other things.

And so we're in the last mile of 2015, can you believe it? Not that it was short or anything (this year has been a drag for me) but alot has happened and things have changed.  That's the wonder of this life...everything looks the same when you're busy living day to day, but when you look back, you realize how so many things have changed. For me, change (the positive kind) came when I changed the way I think. You're probably aware of how powerful your thoughts are and how important it is to think right, but knowing something doesn't mean you use it; that was me.

The first Christian book I ever read was Joyce Meyer's Battlefield Of The Mind. I understood it well and felt very empowered after reading it. Then I packed it up in my bookshelf and went on living. It's later that I realized that I would need those things that book taught me in every season of my life, good or bad. So after a long tiring season of doubt and fear, I remembered where I had missed it, in my thoughts. My thoughts were imprisoned to fear and doubt, neither of these are from God. So I prayed about it and when I got my answer I decided there and then that I would marry my thoughts to the revelation and never look back.
Now I wrestle with myself to keep my thoughts within the restrictions of what God spoke. Every time I feel myself straying, I immediately take action by choosing to think and speak right. Thing is, I had forgotten that things don't happen for passive people, they happen to them. But active people make things happen. I felt stuck in my life because I simply wasn't doing anything. I thought having faith was trusting God to do things for you not that it was doing and trusting God to intervene in your doing.

Remember those four leprous men at the entrance of the city gate in 2 Kings 7? Leprosy happened to them, there was nothing they could do about that, right? But choosing to stay passive wouldn't help either, in fact they realized that if they stayed there, they'd die there. So they took a huge risk and plunged into the enemy's camp. But before they did it, they spoke it, a speaking informed by their thoughts because you can't speak something you're not thinking since the Bible says it's from the overflow of the heart that the mouth speaks.
When they acted God intervened on their behalf, lifting up a siege that was over the land using weak, sick men who didn't let what happened to them restrict them from what they could become.

So as we end this year, where are your thoughts? What are you saying? It might happen that you're not walking out of this year with something in hand simply because you thought and spoke yourself out of it. Commit your thoughts to God's speaking and doing, forget what you see, forget what they say, take Him at His Word and jump, it's not too late!


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