Not angry enough to lose you
I love it when God intercepts while I'm speaking, it's the fuel to my fire, my evidence that I'm not alone. I get such a kick from teaching His Word, I never have a doubt when I'm up there that this is what I'm purposed to do. I've said before that I know this is it because of the way it responds to me. That's how I define passion, not only doing something you love, but doing something that loves you, that responds to you, that bears fruit at your touch. Last night, while dealing with the curse of sin he opened my eyes to this truth: you cannot redeem something you've cursed. I was passing by Genesis 3 when He said this. I've always admired how He didn't curse Adam but the ground instead after he sinned, but never went far enough to learn why. God didn't curse Adam because He had it in His mind to later on redeem him. Of course this didn't mean that Adam could walk away without facing the consequences of what he'd done, but it also ...