
Showing posts from August, 2013

My kinda girl #1

Before you get any ideas, I'm not Lesbo. Just taking on a challenge thrown at me. One of my church brothers requested I do a 'my kinda girl' series. So here we go! One: the girl must have a head on her shoulders. "She considers a field and buys it, out of her earnings she plants a vineyard." Proverbs 31:16 When I lived in Joburg, I never could understand what attracted guys to these Barbie doll girls. Beautiful but with a head filled with air. I resolved that it said something about the guy cause I never could keep conversation with the type. So guys, the girl you go for says alot about you. Anyway, let's look at what the Bible says about this noble woman. She considers. To consider is to think about something carefully, especially in order to make a decision. She thinks, studies, investigates before she buys. Now I know I'm shooting myself in the foot by saying this because I don't d...

My kinda guy #5

Last but not least: He’s not afraid to commit. Anyone who is not ready to commit is not worth my time. Why play with my heart like that? “Stay here for the night, and in the morning if he wants to redeem, good; let him redeem. But if he is not willing, as surely as the Lord lives I will do it. Lie here till morning.” Ruth 3:13 Because Ruth was a widow, she could be redeemed by a kinsman-redeemer, which Boaz was. But Boaz was not the only one, and Ruth didn’t know this. He could have kept it under wraps and went on ahead, but he did not because he was a man of integrity. He wanted to play by the rules. I’m so tired of these boys who only seek ways of bending and breaking the rules, looking for short-cuts into getting what they want. There is something attractive about a man of integrity and standing who is willing to play by God’s rules even if it means he might not get the prize. Biceps and six-packs can never amount to this kind of attractiveness. Anyway, my point here is...

My kinda guy #4

Back to Boaz. So called unrealistic standard #4: The intimacy of his relationship with God will skill him in reading my heart. What makes me admire Boaz' virtues is that he possessed them before entering into relationship with Ruth. We've swapped things around, no wonder our relationships fail to reflect those of the Bible.  "...may you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge." "May I continue ro find favour in your eyes, my lord," she said. "You have given me comfort and have spoken kindly to your servant..." Ruth 2:12,13 Boaz not only saw where she was geographically, but he read where she was spiritually and emotionally. Spiritually, she had forsaken the gods of Moab and taken refuge in the God of Israel. When she said this in Ruth 1:16 it was only Naomi who heard it, and we have no evidence that there was communication between Naomi and Boaz. Boaz must have heard it from the only ot...

My kinda guy #3

Lucky number three is based on another character I love when it comes to matters of the heart, Jacob. The bad boy who had a heart for God. I love the story of how he met his wife Rachel, and how the Bible tells us that he fell in love with her ‘at first sight’. My favourite thing about him is how he works so hard for her. “So Jacob served seven years to get Rachel, but they seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her.” Genesis 29: 20 Seven years. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. Years. That’s 84 months, 2 555 days. Then a guy calls you for a week and gives up. One says they do pay, that’s what Lobola is for. Yes they pay money, but little pay the patience and perseverance it takes to have a wife. If all I cost you is money, then it’s easy to let go of me, you’ll just make more money. But if I cost you your sweat and blood, it is not an easy decision to make. And as the old English saying goes, easy come easy go. We have so many divorces, so many people quitting and givi...

My kinda guy #2

Alright. Now that you’ve digested that. Let’s move on. But before we do, I want you to understand that I’m not the type that sits and waits for the right guy so I can start living my life. You know the type that idolises marriage and considers it a life-time achievement. I used to be, before I turned 21. I’m all for independency and growth as an individual now. I mean look at Ruth, she didn’t sit in some old house dreaming of weddings and waiting to be saved like a damsel in distress. No, she got out there and made whatever living she could make. When my Boaz comes along, he’ll find me in the field, making it. Now for standard number 2. He’ll protect me. “So Boaz said to Ruth, “My daughter, listen to me. Don’t go and glean in another field and don’t go away from here. Stay here with my servant girls. Watch the field where the men are harvesting, and follow along after the girls. I have told the men not to touch you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and get a drink from the water ja...

My kinda guy #1

I'm always accused of having 'unrealistic' standards when it comes to guys. So i thought to share and explain them, and maybe then i wont seem so crazy. Firstly, you have God to blame for these 'beyond reach' standards of mine. I've spent a bit of time studying romantic relationships in the Bible and this is where i picked up principles on love which I've adopted as my own. My favourite character when it comes to this subject is Boaz. Yes he was old, but he was wise too. Words fail to describe the beauty in the manner in which he handled Ruth's heart. "Boaz asked the foreman of his harvesters, 'Whose young woman is that?" Ruth 2:5 Interesting that this is the very first thing Boaz asks about her. Most guys i know would ask her waist size, contact numbers, occupation and so forth. But what mattered to Boaz was who she belonged to above all these other things. I believe if she was said to belong to another man, he would have stepped bac...

I am a woman (a poem)

I am a woman. No, I am not an after-thought; Not a play-thing to occupy man’s loneliness. I too am made in His image and likeness, I too bless and called to rule and subdue. It was said to me too to fill the earth; And as powerful and capable as my counterpart might be, he cannot do it without me. I am a woman. Yes, I opened the door for the deceiver, I let sin in; But that did not cause God to write me off. He gave me a promise: my seed would crush my enemy’s head; And so I started searching. With every son that broke out of me, I looked on with eager eyes, searching for the one. It is for that reason that I fought bareness with all my might. It is why I stood boldly before anything and anyone that sought to rob me of my redeeming seed. I am a woman. Silently and secretly God worked in and through me. In a time when I was considered no good, He saw the good in me. I am Deborah, I arose as a mother when men slumbered. I a...