My kinda guy #4

Back to Boaz. So called unrealistic standard #4: The intimacy of his relationship with God will skill him in reading my heart. What makes me admire Boaz' virtues is that he possessed them before entering into relationship with Ruth. We've swapped things around, no wonder our relationships fail to reflect those of the Bible.

 "...may you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge." "May I continue ro find favour in your eyes, my lord," she said. "You have given me comfort and have spoken kindly to your servant..." Ruth 2:12,13

Boaz not only saw where she was geographically, but he read where she was spiritually and emotionally. Spiritually, she had forsaken the gods of Moab and taken refuge in the God of Israel. When she said this in Ruth 1:16 it was only Naomi who heard it, and we have no evidence that there was communication between Naomi and Boaz. Boaz must have heard it from the only other witness who heard Ruth's statement, God himself.

He also located her emotionally. In her response, she speaks of comfort. Because she was so determined and diligent, we sometimes forget just how hurting this young woman was. Ruth had lost her husband. I fail to comprehend how it feels to loose someone you are one with; someone who is not just part of you like a child but who is you. On top of that, she had left her family. And people. As much as that was her choice, it didn't make it hurt any less. Boaz saw all of this and spoke tenderly to her, helping these wounds which weren't visible to the eye to heal.
My kinda guy wont just find me physically, but spiritually and emotionally as well. And only God can help him do that.


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