My kinda guy #1

I'm always accused of having 'unrealistic' standards when it comes to guys. So i thought to share and explain them, and maybe then i wont seem so crazy.
Firstly, you have God to blame for these 'beyond reach' standards of mine. I've spent a bit of time studying romantic relationships in the Bible and this is where i picked up principles on love which I've adopted as my own.
My favourite character when it comes to this subject is Boaz. Yes he was old, but he was wise too. Words fail to describe the beauty in the manner in which he handled Ruth's heart.

"Boaz asked the foreman of his harvesters, 'Whose young woman is that?" Ruth 2:5

Interesting that this is the very first thing Boaz asks about her. Most guys i know would ask her waist size, contact numbers, occupation and so forth. But what mattered to Boaz was who she belonged to above all these other things. I believe if she was said to belong to another man, he would have stepped back seeing that the Bible says he was a man of standing. But when she heard of her background, understanding that she no longer had an authority figure over her life seeing that her husband had died, he gently approached her. My point is, a guy should be concerned with 'whose' i am and not just 'who' I am. He should be concerned of the authority figure over my life.
Yes that is my dad (who owns a gun by the way), but it is also my heavenly Father. And both are very protective of me and my heart. In all his ways, my guy should acknowledge and respect my dads. He should never do anything to jeopardize my relationship with them. Standard #1


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