Missing pieces
While attending our children’s ministry camp this past week, something was said which hit home. We were bonding over the bon-fire with the teens and one married sister of mine said something quiet profound. She mentioned the danger of these ‘friendships-bordering-on-relationships’ between young girls and boys; that it exposes you and your weaknesses to a person who is not bound to you by a covenant. It makes the other person know you so well, which should only be the privilege of your spouse and that even if they were a potential spouse, they will now reconsider seeing that they know your infirmities. Her point was, a person can only know you so much, but some things about you should remain treasures left only for your spouse to excavate. Be it nasty dark things like coal or beautiful pleasures like diamonds. I could relate. You see, at some stage I was also a teenager (though I do not like to admit) and quiet head-strong with my opinions. One was that there was no harm in being c...