My kinda girl #5

I have more to say, but I’ll stop here. Lastly, she is selfless.
“She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” Proverbs 31:20

A selfish girl cannot do this. For her, it’s all about ‘me and mine’ and ‘what will I gain?’. Limited are the blessings of such, for we know that blessed is the hand that gives than that which receives. Again, I love Ruth when it comes to selflessness. She had experienced the pain of losing her husband and was now a foreigner in a land with a people she did not know. In all this, she still looks out for her mother-in-law. When given food, we are told that she ate some, and left some behind for Naomi.

“She carried it back to town, and her mother-in-law saw how much she had gathered. Ruth also brought out and gave her what she had left over after she had eaten enough.” Ruth 2:18
Ruth could have hidden these left-overs, Naomi didn’t know she had them. But she didn’t, she was a sharing person, she always did more than was expected, she was an exceptional young woman, just like Rebekah who found marriage by being exceptional, giving not only the servant a drink, but the camels as well. These were women who had trained themselves in sharing and putting others first. Sharing and giving attracts blessing, it gets God’s attention. With such a woman in your house, God’s blessing and eyes will continually follow you.

Once again, it has been great sharing my thoughts with you. Let us see what next I can cook up in this busy brain of mine. Blessings!


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