My kinda girl #4

Moving on. There is something about a woman who puts her relationship with God first before anything else. I don’t mean those who brag about their godliness on Facebook but never come close to being the things they say. I’m speaking of the bold Esthers’, who are willing to stand in the face of death when it comes to God. The Abigails’ who reverse the wrath of kings. Women who don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk of faith.
Let’s look at Ruth again.

“But Ruth replied, ‘Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you say I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.” Ruth 1:16

Ruth had the choice of returning home, to her people, to her gods and a chance at marriage. But because she had seen something different about the God of Israel, and chose to associate herself with him, she was willing to pay the price that came with it. It must have been hard watching her sister Orpah leave but she stayed because her desire for a home was not greater than her thirst for the true living God.

There’s something remarkable about a woman who’s sold herself to God. She knows how to handle others because she is handled by God. She does not compromise because she knows who she is and who she belongs to. Goodness me I’m so sick of sisters who give in, bend the rules and compromise just so they can get what they desire. God knows your heart’s desires, and He is more than capable to fulfill them. You don’t have to drop it low to get them, He gets them for you when you delight yourself in him. That’s what Psalm 37:4 says. But we focus too much on the part where He fulfills the desires, forgetting that He only does this when I delight myself in Him. This delighting is an action, not just a feeling. It is spending my time, money and energy on God. It is truly loving God with all my soul, heart, mind and strength.

Proverbs puts it this way: ‘Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised’ (30). Your ‘kinda’ girl has to be God-fearing and not just on Sunday, but daily.


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