My kinda girl #2

Two: what is she wearing? No, I'm not talking about designer clothes and the latest fashion trends, not that there's anything wrong with a well-dressed woman, a lady must have style. But I'm more concerned with what she has clothed herself with on the inside.

"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come." Proverbs 31:25

 We all dress up to protect ourselves from outside forces which can be harmful, be it UV rays or winter winds. Same thing with our inner being which needs to be clothed in order to face and survive the storms of life. Here is the problem with vague, fickle girls: they run at the first sign of trouble. This is because difficulties withdraw from you, and if you have nothing stored up, they will hit you and leave you dry like a tree in winter. In a wife, you want someone who'll stick with you when your last runs out, and to do that, a girl's gotta be dressed.
Not only will a well-dressed woman stick with you, she'll prove useful in tough times. Unlike Job's wife, she'll speak words of wisdom just like it is said of this woman in verse 26. It takes a woman clothed in strength to wipe her own tears so she can get you holding on and pushing strong when the going gets tough.

How does she clothe herself? Firstly through God's Word. It provides one with strength to man-up in hard times and the dignity to not look for an easy way out. She also clothes herself with the company she keeps. Friends who encourage her in the right and wise older women who guide her with wisdom when she gets lost or confused. So check her company, observe her relationship with her mother or mother-figures, it will tell you alot.

So as much as no one walks out in a bikini in the middle of winter, your kinda girl got to dress herself well if yours shall truly be 'for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love an to cherish till death do you part.'


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